• +91 471 2326522
  • +91 471 2331368

Tender/Quotations are invited for Supply of Synthetic Turf for Cricket Pitches for installation at outdoor cricket nets on outright sale basis as required in Schedule “A” for  Kerala Cricket Association (KCA) , situated at  KCA complex, T.C 24/131 (1) , Sasthamkovil Road, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram  695014, from reputed firms/agencies/companies having valid licenses and sanctions and having experience in the field of providing these items for a minimum period of five years to quote their best offers at KCA, KCA Complex, Thyucaud P O, Thiruvananthapuram – 695014.

Instructions to the Applicant

  1. Please read the Terms & Conditions carefully before filling up the document.
  2. Incomplete Documents will be rejected.
  3. The material has to be delivered at our registered office at KCA complex, T.C 24/131 (1), Sasthamkovil Road, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram 695014 OR Locations mentioned in Purchase Order.
  4. The applicant should be in the business of providing synthetic sports surfaces for a minimum period of five years.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Roll dimension & Warranty period to be given with the quote.
  2. Rates should be inclusive of freight charges for delivery at Thiruvananthapuram
  3. GST to be shown separately.
  4. Offers should be provided with complete technical specification of material supplied.
  5. Shortest delivery time for supply of equipment should be indicated.
  6. Any other terms & conditions of offer to be mentioned separately.
  7. Offers shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary, Kerala Cricket Association, KCA Head Quarters, Sasthamkovil Road, Thiruvananthapuram in a cover super scribed “Supply of Astro turf” by courier or emailed to KCA at office@keralacricket.in with subject “Tender-Supply of Astro Turf”.
  8. Secretary, KCA reserves the right to accept/reject any or all offers and also cancel the tender notice and call for fresh tender without assigning any reason thereof.
  9. Last Date for opening of bid will be 3.00 pm on 11.11.2021
* For More Details Contact KCA Office, Thiruvananthapuram. Ph:0471 2326522

Secretary, Kerala Cricket Association

Date: 09.11.2021


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